Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sixth Sense

Growly Bear is telepathic. Growly Bear can sense Princess Kitty next to him even when she is not there. He can imagine her milky smell. He can hear her sweet voice. He remembers the feel of her soft fur. He can taste her delicious kisses. He can see her sweet little nose and cute whiskers.

Princess Kitty can sense Growly Bear next to her too. She can smell his Growly Bear smell. She can hear his warm gentle voice. She can imagine the feel of his furry body. She can taste the lovely honey he makes. She can see his round little tummy and furry face.

Animals are supposed to have a sixth sense. Princess Kitty wonders if guinea pigs have a sixth sense. She thinks the cleverest guinea pigs probably do.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

A post of the highest quality !
I think some guinea pigs do have a sixth huh ?