Sunday, December 31, 2006

Count Your Blessings

It's New Year's Eve. Princess Kitty is feeling very reflective. She has had a nice day with people she loves. She has chatted to Growly Bear. He was a bit distracted because he was shopping. Shopping for food. Looking at the exciting packages and boxes always makes him a bit distracted.
Princess Kitty still felt all warm after talking to him. She purred all afternoon.

Princess Kitty has been counting her blessings. She has been thinking about all the wonderful people she knows and has in her life. She has been thinking how wonderful it is to really understand love. She has been thinking how wonderful Growly Bear is.

Princess Kitty is feeling very spiritual. She understands the point of guinea pigs tonight - at least for a few hours. She is going to reach out to Growly Bear at midnight. He is going to feel her touch on him. He is going to experience her warmth and taste her love for him. He is going to smell her sweet smell and feel her purr against his skin.

Happy New Year Growly Bear and Princess Kitty

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

From what I'm learning about GB........he will have felt that fur right beside him