Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Beacon Of Hope

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty are excited. Very excited indeed. Princess Kitty and Growly Bear are going to have their renegade Christmas tomorrow. They know that for a few hours they will be in their own special world. They know too that they must return to reality and their search for the point of guinea pigs afterwards. For now though they are just looking forward to their time together.

Growly Bear will get up early and jump in his car. He has a borrowed car because his own little Skoda is not working. His borrowed car is orange. Growly Bear does not like it very much. Princess Kitty thinks he will look like a beacon coming out of the darkness to her. She thinks that will be a very welcome sight.

Princess Kitty will get up early and get The Cardigan ready. She will trim her fur and choose some nice clothes to wear. Then she will wait for Growly Bear. Waiting always seems such a long time. When Growly Bear arrives she will give him the most special cuddle in all the world.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

I'm always struck by how lucky that bear is. Never a moment when he's not loved