Sunday, December 10, 2006

Getting Things In Order

Princess Kitty has had another busy day. She has been having a good clean and tidy up at The Cardigan. She is pleased. Everywhere looks spic and span.

Growly Bear has been tidying up this weekend too. He has been sorting out his spare room. It was full of all sorts of things. He wonders about where it has all come from. He thinks about the clutter we accumulate. He thinks about how material things come and go. He think about what is really important in life. He thinks the most important thing are love and kindness.

Princess Kitty agrees with Growly Bear. She has moved from a big house with all the creature comforts to her her new little home. It is not a comfy as her big house but she is much happier there. She feels she can be the person she is there. She does not mind that The Cardigan in not perfect. It is perfect for her at the moment.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

If the bear saw this I think he'd be reassured.....don't you ?