Friday, December 22, 2006

Rosy Glow

Growly Bear is feeling quite growly today. Like guinea pigs have their squeaks, Growly Bear has different growls for different occasions. He has a soft warm growl for when Princess Kitty is stroking his tummy. He has an excited growl for when they are making honey. He has a silent growl for when he is with Fatty Flatfoot. He knows it would be dangerous to let her see his growliness.

Today's growls are grumpy growls. Growly Bear is Christmas shopping. Growly Bear does not like Christmas shopping. He does not like Christmas shopping at all. He hates all the other animals pushing him about and he hates having to queue.

The only shopping Growly Bear likes is food shopping. He wishes he could buy everyone a nice salad for Christmas. He thinks they might not understand though.

Princess Kitty has been getting herself ready for Christmas too. She has bought herself a special treat. She has bought herself a Christmas tree. She is very proud of it. It is pink. Very pink indeed.

Princess Kitty thinks it is very beautiful and tasteful. She can't wait to show Growly Bear.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

Not ure about "tasteful" Does that little princess live in social housing then ?