Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bear With A Sore Head

Growly Bear has a sore head. Poor Growly Bear. He thinks he has a sore head because he drank too much last night. Princess Kitty thinks he is probably right. Growly Bear is not thinking about guinea pigs today. His head is too sore.

Growly Bear wishes he was feeling better. He wishes in a way that he was with Princess Kitty so that she could look after him and make him feel better. On the other hand if she is feeling lively she might be boisterous and make a lot of noise when he wanted to be quiet.

Growly Bear likes Princess Kitty's livliness most of the times. Sometimes though he wishes she was a bit more subdued, like when they wake up after a night together. Growly Bear likes to wake up very slowly and gently and to cuddle quietly. Princess Kitty is usually wide awake when she wakes up and finds it difficult to stay still. Growly Bear says she is like a jack-in-the-box. He says she is like Tigger.

Princess Kitty likes to tease Growly Bear when he is sleepy like this. She likes to play tricks on him like opening his eye lids to see underneath and stroking him to see if she can make him growl. Naughtly Princess Kitty. Everyone knows it is bad to tease bears.

Princess Kitty decides to be helpful. She sends Growly Bear a text suggesting he drinks some orange juice then takes a long walk in the fresh air. Gowly Bear texts back "Growl".

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

GB would only drink tropicana though. Nothing from Morrisons or ASDA probably. And it is bad to tease bears....they will probably react