Thursday, December 14, 2006


Growly Bear is a poppet. At least that is what Princess Kitty thinks. Princess Kitty thinks he is the kindest sweetest bear she has ever met.

For one thing Growly Bear is always kind. He has always been very kind to Princess Kitty. Princess Kitty knows that she is not the easiest person in the world. Growly Bear says she is complicated. But Growly Bear is always nice to her. He is always patient.

Another thing about Growly Bear that makes him a poppet is his thoughtfulness. He often buys Princess Kitty special little surprises. Princess Kitty loves surprises.

But the very best thing about Growly Bear is his kindness of spirit. He never puts others down. He always sees the potential in everyone and does everything he can to help them fulfil it. He always goes out of his way to tell people what they have done well and inspires them to face more challenges and believe in themselves.

Princess Kitty is sure kindness is a part of the point of guinea pigs. Growly Bear has natural talent when it comes to guinea pigs. He has a deep understanding of these important things. He is just simply a poppet.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

This is just about the kindest and sexiest thing PK has said about the bear. Things must be getting quite steamy between them ?