Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bury or Burn

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty met up on their skateboards today. It was quite cold and the roads were a bit wet so Growly Bear did not do any tricks. Princess Kitty thought this was very sensible.

Growy Bear and Princess Kitty do interesting things when they meet up like this. Today they walked around a graveyard and looked at the stones and wondered about the people whose names were on the stones. Princess Kitty told Growly Bear that she wants to be cremated when she dies. She thinks this is the most dignified way. Growly Bear says he does not really care. It is not something he has thought about. Princess Kitty smiles to herself. 'Just like a guinea pig' she thought. Although he is quite a tame bear most of the time Growly Bear still has his wild side.

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty talked a lot. They talked about the difficult things they face in their lives. They can't solve each others problems, they can't live each others lives but they help each other by loving each other.

Princess Kitty loves Growly Bear very much. She thinks he is the most special bear in all the workd. Lovely Growly Bear.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

The more I read about these two animals I think they are lucky bears and cats to live in such a passionate world