Monday, October 16, 2006

Headaches and Heartaches

Princess Kitty has had a bad night. She slept but had bad dreams and has woken up feeling upset and frightened. For once her dreams were not about that witch Fatty Flatfoot. She was dreaming about Growly Bear. She felt sad when he left her yesterday but got on with other things so she didn't have to think about that. Now she wishes she had spent some time dealing with her feelings so that she did not take them to bed with her.

She always cries when Growly Bear leaves for a little while because she misses him. Of course she understands that he has to go back to his cave. Other bears depend upon him and he loves them. She quite likes living on her own at the moment in some ways too. It is just very hard to be parted from him.

Now she has to get on and get ready for work. She has a headache and a heartache and feels horrible but knows she has to face the world. She knows these feelings will pass and that she will feel better soon. She will take some tablets for her headache and think nice thoughts to heal her heartache. She will think about Growly Bear and how much she loves him. That should cheer her up.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

Pheonix. That poor little cat.....I hope she cheers up soon JVIP