Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dark and Lonely

Growly Bear has sent Princess Kitty an email. He is worried about Princess Kitty because he knows that she is upset and hurting. He is hurting too. He wonders what it happening when Princess Kitty is feeling bad. He wonders if she is angry with him or wondering if he loves her enough. And he misses her.

Princess Kitty knows Growly Bear loves her. She has never doubted his love. She knows that life is hard for him too.

Princess Kitty has been thinking about guinea pigs today. She feels a bit like a guinea pig. She feels like a guinea pig who lives in a beautiful cage. It is possible to look out from the cage but from the outside the cage is invisible. In the cage she feels loved and cared about. Outside the cage there is a dark and lonely place. But that dark and lonely place is open. In that dark and lonely place she can be seen. And this cage has a door. A door that leads out into the open. But the door only works one way. If she leaves the beautiful cage to go into the open, she won't be able to get back in.

Princess Kitty wonders what a guinea pig would do in such a situation.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...


Guinea Pigs would

Recognise it

Say it

Collect stuff

Find out how many ways ?

Think in steps

Look ahead

Chose a path

Work out who else is involved ?

Go for it

Or....they might carry on regardless without the above