Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ups And Downs

Princess Kitty is ugly.

Or at least she if feeling very ugly today. She has a big cold sore on her top lip. Just under her whiskers. Poor Princess Kitty.

Growly Bear has been trying to fix things today. He has been trying to fix the dishwasher at his cave.

Usually Growly Bear is good at fixing things. But today he just could not fix the dishwasher. 8 hours of hard working. Poor Growly Bear.

Life for cats and bears can be up and down. Just like it is for guinea pigs.

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear hope there will be some more up again soon.


Jungle VIP said...

There will be a time when all cares can be put to one side and broken dishwashers, little sore faces and misery will seem as but nothing.


Phoenix said...

JVIP: You need the downs to appreciate the ups
