Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It Ain't Fur Real Joey

Growly Bear is feeling a bit sad today. He had to say goodbye to Princess Kitty this morning.

He knows he will be seeing her again in a few days. But he can't help missing having her around. Her funny ways. They way she talks about guinea pigs. How she sounds when she laughs out loud. How she cuddles him and puts his ribbon on for him.

Princess Kitty is missing Growly Bear too. But she isn't feeling sad. Spending time with Growly Bear has made her even more sure that they are meant to be together. She knows that Growly Bear is the one.

So Princess Kitty knows that being parted from Growly Bear is only for a little while. She knows it won't last forever. She knows it isn't real.


Jungle VIP said...

These bears and cats do get into wonderful situations. They are a compelling couple to be sure

Phoenix said...

JVIP: Well they say absence makes the heart grow fonder
