Saturday, May 12, 2007

It's The Thought That Counts

Growly Bear has been surfing today. Surfing the Internet.

He has been reading about lots of things. He has been watching videos on U Tube. He has been learning about America and Britain, about funny things and sad things. About subtle things and shocking things. And of course the point of guinea pigs.

Princess Kitty has been busy too. She had her mummy round for lunch which was very nice. She went to help at a charity event selling raffle tickets. And then she had fish and chips for tea.

When Growly Bear heard Princess Kitty had had fish and chips for tea he was surprised and a bit jealous. Growly Bear loves fish and chips. He likes eating them with his paws and getting them all greasy. He likes to eat them best when he is very hungry, especially at the seaside.

Princess Kitty says she will save Growly Bear a chip. Growly Bear is not sure if this is such a good thing as he won't be seeing Princess Kitty for a few days.

I suppose it is the thought that counts.


Jungle VIP said...

There is nothing.....and I mean F and C....when you're hungry...the bear is right

Phoenix said...

JVIP: You are clearly of like minds on this then
