Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pimms Anyone?

Growly Bear says if there's one thing you can't beat in the summer it is Pimms in the garden.

Today has been beautiful. Sunny and very hot. Hard to believe it is only April. Growly Bear has had friends to visit at his cave. He made fish and salad for lunch. And Pimms.

Princess Kitty has had a nice day too. Her friend Chuckles came to see her. He helped her fix her bike. Then they went for a ride. They went to a pub and had a drink of beer. Then they rode home again.

Whilst they were at the pub, Princess Kitty met some people. They were people who live on the street and drink a lot. She talked to them. They told her a bit about their lives. They told her how they keep looking for the point of guinea pigs but probably don't really believe it any more. They showed her some card tricks. They told Princess Kitty how hungry they were. Then they told her how thirsty they were. Princess Kitty gave them some money to buy a drink. They bought a bottle of cider and shared it between them.

Meanwhile Growly Bear shouted "Pimms anyone?"


Jungle VIP said...


Poor old GB. He's seems a bit out of touch with real life

Phoenix said...

JVIP: He isn't really. He can perform in any setting
