Friday, April 20, 2007

He's A Secret Lemonade Drinker

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear woke up together today. Growly Bear stayed at The Cardigan for the night.

Usually Growly Bear sleeps well at The Cardigan. But last night he did not sleep so well. He woke up and felt thirsty. He crept out of bed to get a drink. And then he felt hungry. So he had a Cadbury's Cream egg. Then he crept back into bed next to Princess Kitty. As quietly as the quietest guinea pig.

When Growly Bear and Princess Kitty got up they got ready for work. Princess Kitty put Growly Bear's ribbon straight. Growly Bear kissed Princess Kitty goodbye.

When Princess Kitty came home she found something strange. Something mysterious. Someone had eaten her Cadbury's cream egg and had a drink from her fridge.

She wonders who it could have been. She wonders if it was Growly Bear. She wonders if he is a secret lemonade drinker.


Jungle VIP said...

I finest of blogs here today. Of course you'll know that the SLD is someone reasonably famous ?

Phoenix said...

JVIP: As famous as Growly Bear?
