Saturday, April 07, 2007

I Can See Clearly Now

Princess Kitty is feeling better today. The sun is out. The sky is blue. She can see clearly.

Growly Bear is not feeling much better. He has a little knot above his left eye. A knot of worry. So he did what Growly Bear does at such times. He kept busy. He mowed the lawns. He had a shower. He went to an art gallery. He went to a pub. He met up with friends. He didn't stop thinking about Princess Kitty though. He didn't stop wondering what this all means when you try to apply it to guinea pigs.

Growly Bear is coming to see Princess Kitty the day after tomorrow. He might be coming to The Cardigan. Princess Kitty wonders what it will be like. She wonders if it will be difficult. She wants to cuddle Growly Bear again but right now she can't imagine what that will be like.

Maybe she can't see as clearly as she thought.


Jungle VIP said...

I expect it'll be like ABC. Those animals know a thing or two

Phoenix said...

JVIP: We shall see. It's not always plain sailing
