Friday, April 06, 2007

The Morning After The Night Before

Growly Bear has a headache. So has Princess Kitty. Growly Bear has a stiff neck. Princess Kitty feels hot and tearful.

It has not been a good day for either of them. Growly Bear has done what Growly Bear does when he is upset or worried. He has got on with things. He went shopping. He did some cooking. He was pleased to get things done. But he worried about Princess Kitty. And he worried about his life.

Princess Kitty couldn't face the world today. She hid away. She slept. She cried. She just wanted to feel better. She felt horrible inside and out.

Poor Princess Kitty. Poor Growly Bear. What a sorry state of affairs


Jungle VIP said...

A sorry state of affairs indeed. it'll get better I'm sure

Phoenix said...

JVIP:I'm sure you are right
