Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm Gonna Make You A Star

Princess Kitty has taken another step towards stardom today. She has been on the television. Some reporters came to her offices and talked to her. They had a big camera and a microphone covered in something furry. The microphone reminded Princess Kitty of something about Growly Bear although she could not quite put her finger on it.

The reporters wanted to talk to Princess Kitty about some things bad people do. The sort of bad people who will never understand the point of guinea pigs. The reporters asked her what she thought of these bad people then asked her to give some advice on how to stop them.

Princess Kitty has not seen the programme yet. She hopes that she performed OK. She hopes Growly Bear and the people she looks after will be proud of her.

Princess Kitty wonders if she should change her name if she is going to be famous. She wonders if Princess Kitty is the right name for a celebrity. She thinks about what Growly Bear would say if she asked him. She knows what Growly Bear would say. He would say "You are who you are".

Princess Kitty decides Princess Kitty is just the right name for a superstar.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A New Bear

Growly Bear if feeling very happy. Very happy indeed. At last his magic is starting to work and change his fortunes at work. Two good things have happened.

The first good thing is that Fatty Flatfoot has changed her decision about taking his money away. Growly Bear is very pleased about that. Very pleased indeed.

The second good thing is that he is being given a new job. The new job is very interesting and exciting. It will allow Growly Bear to share his magic with others. It will give him chance to help others understand the point of guinea pigs. It is a small step away from slavery.

Growly Bear rang Princess Kitty up to tell her all about it. He says his new job will give him a new lease of life. He says he feels different already. He tells Princess Kitty she will probably see a difference in him when they next meet.

Princess Kitty doesn't mind as long as Growly Bear is as sweet and cuddly as ever.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Just Deserts

It's happened again. Fatty Flatfoot has struck again. Another of her lieutenants is leaving. Just like Princess Kitty she is leaving in mysterious circumstances. Just like Princess Kitty she is leaving without another job to go to. Princess Kitty hopes that she is OK.

Princess Kitty wonders that no-one outside Fatty Flatfoot's empire can see her wickedness. She wonders about a system that allows someone like Fatty Flatfoot to continue hurting people and destroying guinea pigs. She knows though that Fatty Flatfoot's magic is strong. She knows that it will take a very powerful witch or wizard to defeat her.

Princess Kitty does not like to think of herself as vengeful or unkind to others. There is a bit of her though that hopes that one day Fatty Flatfoot will get what she deserves. She has a bottle of champagne in just in case.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Brotherly Love

Growly Bear brought Princess Kitty back to The Cardigan today in his little Skoda. They had a visitor. Princess Kitty's brother came to visit.

Princess Kitty's brother is very clever. Very clever indeed. He knows lots about the point of guinea pigs. He has a skateboard too. A Harley skateboard. He is a cool dude.

Princess Kitty loves her brother. She loves him very much. He was very kind to her when she was in trouble as a slave in the Fatty Flatfoot empire.

Princess Kitty remembers those dark times. She remembers them very well. She remembers how alone she felt, despite all the love in her life. She remembers how frightened she was. She remembers how lost she felt. She remembers especially a time when she ran away on her own to hide. She felt so frightened, lost and lonely. She did not know how she would survive.

Princess Kitty's brother sent her a text. He told her "This will be OK". Princess Kitty felt he believed in her. She thinks he probably saved her life.

Growly Bear cooked a special meal for him this evening. Growly Bear likes Princess Kitty's brother. Princess Kitty's brother likes Growly Bear. Princess Kitty is happy that two of the most special people in her life like each other. She looks at them laughing together and purrs.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Every Little Helps

Growly Bear wanted to cook a special meal for Princess Kitty today.

First they went shopping to get the ingredients. Princess Kitty does not like shopping very much. She does not think it is very much fun. She thought about doing some tricks to make it more interesting. She thought about putting extra things in people's baskets when they were not looking. She thought about jumping on her trolly and seeing how fast it could go. She thought about singing to see if anyone else would join in. Then she thought that perhaps Growly Bear might not like that. So Princess Kitty trotted along behind Growly Bear and smiled sweetly.

Growly Bear likes shopping. He is trying to teach Princess Kitty how much fun shopping can be. He is puzzled that she does not seem to like it very much. He thinks it is odd that she does not look forward to seeing all the interesting packets and tins and taking lots of time to choose which ones to buy. He thinks it is strange that she does not get excited about sniffing the bread and squeezing the mangos. He is sure that she will never understand the point of guinea pigs if she does not understand about shopping.

When they got home, Growly Bear cooked for Princess Kitty. The meal was nice. Very nice indeed. Princess Kitty licked her lips when she had finished.

Princess Kitty thinks about shopping. She thinks about their nice meal. She wonders if Growly Bear knows something she doesn't ...........

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Growly Nightingale

Princess Kitty has been poorly. She has been sick. She has had a bug in her tummy. Poor Princess Kitty.

Growly Bear has been looking after her. He has been very kind. He has been nursing Princess Kitty. He has been getting her drinks. He has been mopping her brow. He has been plumping up her pillows. He has been giving her little kisses to make her better.

Princess Kitty thinks Growly Bear is a good nurse. She thinks he is good at taking care of things. She thinks he would be good at looking after guinea pigs.

Growly Bear feels sorry for Princess Kitty. He wishes he could make her better. He misses having his little playmate about to have fun with. He thinks nice thoughts and hopes that Princess Kitty will feel better tomorrow.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Sins and Forgiveness

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear have had a busy day. They have been been to the music shop where Princess Kitty bought a strap for her guitar. They also bought matching music stands and matching strings. Growly Bear took Princess Kitty to some other shops. Some of them were quite strange. Princess Kitty thought they might have something to do with Growly Bear's awake dreams.

This evening Growly Bear took Princess Kitty out for a meal. It was at an Italian restaurant. It is one of Growly Bear's favourite places to eat.

Growly Bear likes nice food. Tonight he ate some veal. Princess Kitty was shocked. She does not eat meat. She thinks keeping baby cows in dark places then killing them to eat is cruel. Almost as bad a eating guinea pigs. She wonders if she should be strict with Growly Bear about it. She wonders if she should shake her paw at him.

Princess Kitty looks at Growly Bear. She finds it very difficult to be cross with him. He is so sweet and cuddly. She decides she will forgive him - just this once.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

On The Move

Princess Kitty is ready. She is ready to go on her little holiday to Growly Bear's cave. She has packed her suitcase. She has packed her guitar. She has even packed some little surprises for Growly Bear.

Princess Kitty is going on a train. It is dark so she will be careful. She won't talk to any strangers, not even if they offer to show her some guinea pigs.

Growly Bear is going to pick her up from the train station. He is going to pick her up in his little Skoda. Then they are going to go to Growly Bear's cave.

Princess Kitty wonders what it will be like. She knows that Growly Bear is very excited about her coming. He is looking forward to showing her his cave. He is looking forward to making honey with her in his cave.

Princess Kitty likes going on holiday. She knows that she will have a lovely time with Growly Bear. She knows that this is another important part of their journey together. She picks up her suitcase and leaves The Cardigan.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Cool For Cats

Princess Kitty is excited. Very excited indeed. She is going on a little holiday. A holiday at Growly Bear's cave.

The other bear who lives at Growly Bear's cave is going away for a few days. Growly Bear is going to show Princess Kitty his cave. He is excited too although he is still angry about Fatty Flatfoot's latest wicked deed.

Growly Bear has some pets. He doesn't have any guinea pigs but he does have some cats. One of his cats is called Dave. He is white and soppy. Princess Kitty is looking forward to meeting him. She is looking forward to stroking him. She is looking forward to stroking Growly Bear too.

Growly Bear is planning to spoil Princess Kitty. He is going to feed her nice food and make her feel relaxed and comfortable. Princess Kitty thinks this will be very nice. Very nice indeed. She likes the idea of Growly Bear looking after her. She has a few little surprised planned for him too though....................................

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Slave Labour

Something bad has happened. A bad thing has happened to Growly Bear. Poor Growly Bear.

Of course, that evil witch Fatty Flatfoot is behind it. She treats all her slaves badly sooner or later. Working in the Fatty Flatfoot empire is not easy. It is dangerous and it is hard work.

Poor Growly Bear has been told they are going to take some of his money away from him. A lot of his money in fact. Poor Growly Bear. It is so unfair. He works very hard and despite all he knows about Fatty Flatfoot he has remained a loyal and hard working slave.

Growly Bear is upset and angry. Princess Kitty feels upset and angry too. It upsets her to think of Growly Bear being hurt. It makes her angry to think of him treated unfairly. It is hard to see the point of guinea pigs at times like this.

Princess Kitty wishes there was something she could do to make Growly Bear feel better. If she was with him she would cuddle him and soothe him. It is hard to be so far away from him when he is sad.

Poor Growly Bear.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Princess Kitty and Growly Bear have been talking about secrets today. They talked about whether it is important to have secrets. Princess Kitty thinks some secrets are bad. She understands that you have to have private bits of you though. Growly Bear agrees.

The point of guinea pigs is a secret. It is a secret that Princess Kitty and Growly Bear want to find out more about though. They think it is probably a good secret.

One thing they are sure about is that the point of guinea pigs is not to make pies out of. Not like that bad witch Fatty Flatfoot. She has lots of secrets. Lots of bad secrets.

Princess Kitty had secrets when she worked for Fatty Flatfoot. She kept secret some of the bad things that Fatty Flatfoot did. She kept secret the bad things that Suma did too. She kept secret the bad things that Fatty Flatfoot did to her. Growly Bear did not know anything about it until Princess Kitty told him after he escaped. She kept her secrets because she was frightened. She also kept her secrets because she thought it was best for others.

Perhaps the important thing about secrets is that they should always be good.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dream Boy

Growly Bear has dreams. He dreams about all sorts of things. Sometimes he dreams when he is asleep and sometimes he dreams when he is awake.

Some of his awake dreams are about Princess Kitty. He dreams about kissing her when they are not together. He dreams about her cuddling him and stroking his tummy. He dreams about making honey with her.

Princess Kitty understands these dreams. She has such dreams about Growly Bear. She is puzzled about some of his other awake dreams though.

Growly Bear has dreams about Princess Kitty wearing certain sorts of clothes. Princess Kitty never dreams about what Growly Bear wears. Growly Bear dreams about Princess Kitty wearing lacy underwear. Princess Kitty never dreams about Growly Bears pants. Growly Bear dreams about Princess Kitty wearing stockings and high heeled shoes. Princess Kitty never dreams about Growly Bears socks and shoes. Growly Bear dreams about Princess Kitty dressing up in shiny black leather clothes and being very strict with him. Princess Kitty never dreams about Growly Bear being strict with her, although she does like him in his leather skateboarding clothes.

Princess Kitty wonders if Growly Bear is alright. She thinks it is very strange that he dreams about her clothes. Like guinea pigs, Growly Bear is hard to understand sometimes.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Few Favourite Things

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear are tired. They have been making some more delicious honey. They have used up a lot of energy. They tried a few new things but also kept in some of the special ingredients they know make the honey taste good.

Princess Kitty loves making honey with Growly Bear. It is at the top of her list of things she likes to do. Other things on her list are singing and playing her guitar. She likes running and riding her skate board. She likes talking with Growly Bear about things, such as the point of guinea pigs. She loves spending time with her kittens and others that she loves. She especially likes playing tricks on Growly Bear.

Growly Bear is funny when Princess Kitty plays tricks on him. He pretends that he thinks it is terrible but Princess Kitty knows that he likes it really. She knows that Growly Bear understands that the tricks she plays are because she loves him. Sometimes she laughs about her tricks. When she does, Growly Bear laughs a bit too. When Princess Kitty asks if he is going to get her back though, he just growls.

A Helping Hand

Growly Bear is at the Cardigan. He and Princess Kitty have been out to a concert. They have been to see Growly Bear's boy cub who is in a band.

Growly Bear's cub's band is very loud. Very loud indeed. They are quite famous though. And the music they make is very good. They work very well together as a band. Growly Bear says their music is ground breaking.

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty are in bed now. Princess Kitty reflects upon their evening. Growly Bear had introduced her to his cub, although he did not tell him about their love.

Princess Kitty loves the way that Growly Bear is proud of his cub. She knows that Growly Bear has played a big part in helping his cub. He taught him to play the guitar just like he has taught Princess Kitty. Clever Growly Bear.

Helping other people is important. Princess Kitty knows it has something to do with the point of guinea pigs. Growly Bear often helps other people. Perhaps this is because he used to be a boy scout. He helps Princess Kitty. It is one of the many things that Princess Kitty loves about Growly Bear.

She looks at Growly Bear sleeping next to her. "I love you Growly Bear" she whispers as she snuggles up next to his nice warm tummy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Young One

Princess Kitty has been to a concert. A concert of Nick Drake songs. She had heard a few before she went but enjoyed hearing more. She likes the plaintiff sounds and the poetic lyrics. She thinks it is very very sad that he died so young, never knowing how famous he would be, not living to see himself get the acclaim he deserved. She feels sorry for the people that loved him.

She wonders how someone so young could know so much about guinea pigs. She wonders how he could have become so technically brilliant at such a tender age. Life can be very sad sometimes.

Growly Bear has talent too. He can do magic. He is starting to understand about this more and more. This week he has been encouraging the naughty bears he works with to do difficult things and to see things differently. He can get them to do things most people could not.

Princess Kitty wonders where Growly Bear's magic will take him. At least there is no chance of him dying young like Nick Drake.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Ray Of Sunshine

Princess Kitty's girl kitten has been to visit tonight. Princess Kitty loves her girl kitten. She is so full of life. Growly Bear would say that she is "full of vim and vigour". She does not really understand the point of guinea pigs yet but Princess Kitty knows that she is magic.

Princess Kitty and her girl kitten have been playing guitars together. Princess Kitty gave her old guitar to her girl kitten. She was very pleased. Princess Kitty taught her some chords. She taught her to play a song. She taught her to play "You Are My Sunshine".

Princess Kitty thinks her girl kitten is her little ray of sunshine. She loves her very much. She drinks a little toast to her clever daughter.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Knickers In A Twist

Growly Bear has been doing his chores. He has been doing some cleaning and sorting out the washing. He is quite clever. He knows how to work the washing machine all by himself.

He has also been saying some more of his funny words. Today's word was 'jolly' to mean 'very'. He made Princess Kitty giggle when he said it.

This evening Growly Bear has been working. He has been helping some bears that have been in trouble to change their behaviour. He tries to help them understand a little more about guinea pigs. He is very good at this.

Princess Kitty has been busy too. She has had a busy day at work today and then another meeting this evening. The meeting was a bit frustrating. The person in charge was a bit weak and so the meeting went on a long time without much getting done. Princess Kitty finds she gets a bit cross when this happens. She tries to be helpful though. She knows that this is something she needs to be careful about as she can be grumpy when this happens.

Sometimes Princess Kitty gets a bit grumpy with Growly Bear. He is always very patient and understanding when she is. Princess Kitty thinks this is kind of him.

Growly Bear is sometimes grumpy with Princess Kitty. Princess Kitty can be naughty when Growly Bear is bit irritable. Sometimes she teases him. Everyone knows that teasing bears is bad. Naughty Princess Kitty.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Sublime And The Ridiculous

Growly Bear has found a song for Princess Kitty to sing. It is called "My Baby Loves Me Just The Way I Am". Princess Kitty had not heard the song before but she likes it. She is going to practice playing and singing it until she can do it well.

Princess Kitty has been practising on her guitar all evening. She has been practising her singing too. She has been working very hard. She is one step closer to discovering the point of guinea pigs. Good girl Princess Kitty.

Growly Bear has been watching television tonight. He has been watching "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here". He says it is sociologically important. He has not thought about guinea pigs at all. Oh dear Growly Bear.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Growly Bear is missing Princess Kitty today. He always misses her but today he is missing her a lot. He thinks about her living in The Cardigan on her own. He thinks of her playing her new guitar and singing on her own. He thinks of her cooking and eating on her own. He thinks about her wondering about guinea pigs on her own. He would like to be with her.

Growly Bear has had a nice day though. He has been to see some other bears and one of his cubs is coming over this evening. Growly Bear is cooking a special meal for her. He likes seeing his cubs.

It is his girl cub that is coming to visit. She is very clever. She is an artist. Growly Bear can draw and paint a little bit but his cub is very talented. Growly Bear is very proud of her.

Growly Bear goes back to thinking about Princess Kitty. Everyone tells him that absence makes the heart grow fonder. He understands this but it doesn't stop him wishing he was cuddling Princess Kitty right now.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Safe Text

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty have been texting each other today. They text each other a lot.

Sometimes they send texts to tell each other they love each other. Like in the mornings they race to see who can be first to send a message of love.

Sometimes they send texts to tell each other what they are doing. Like when Princess Kitty goes out running or Growly Bear is cooking and fixing things.

Sometimes they send texts when they have a good idea. Like when they think they might have found the point of guinea pigs.

Sometimes they send texts to let each other know they are safe and sound. Like when they have been out on their skateboards together.

Sometimes they send texts to tell each other how much they miss one another. Like when they are apart and have an ache inside.

It is good to be able to send messages when they cannot be together. It makes them feel safe and loved.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Growly Bear has gone back to his cave in his little Skoda. He spent the afternoon with Princess Kitty at The Cardigan.

Princess Kitty showed him the surprise she had for him. Growly Bear was surprised and pleased. The honey they made together was truly wonderful. Both Growly Bear and Princess Kitty were pleased. Afterwards they enjoyed the treats that Princess Kitty had bought for them. Delicious.

One of the treats was some Galaxy Minstrels. Growly Bear likes Galaxy Minstrels. He buys them for himself sometimes. He does not eat a whole packet at once though. He just has a few at time. He has some when he is feeling pleased with himself. He has some when he needs cheering up. He has some when he is feeling tired. Sometimes he just has some because he fancies some.

Princess Kitty smiles. She likes the thought of Growly Bear giving himself little treats. She likes the thought of him having a secret foodstore like a guinea pig might. She remembers that Fatty Flatfoot has her own secret treats. At least Growly Bear does not eat pies.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Spic And Span

There has been lots of activity at The Cardigan today. Growly Bear is coming to visit tomorrow. Princess Kitty has been cleaning. Princess Kitty has been polishing. Princess Kitty has been shopping. She has bought some special ingredients to make some lovely honey. She has bought some treats for her and Growly Bear to have afterwards too.

Princess Kitty wants everything to be just right. She wants Growly Bear to enjoy his visit. She might even show him the surprise she has been planning.

Growly Bear has been feeling tired today. He has been working very hard. Poor Growly Bear. Princess Kitty thinks she will need to be gentle with him when he visits.

Not too gentle though.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Growly Bear is a little puzzled. For once it is not about the point of Guinea Pigs.

He has been with Fatty Flatfoot today. He was summoned with other slaves to a meeting. During the meeting Growly Bear caught glimpses of Fatty Flatfoot's magic at work. Worse still he saw that she noticed his magic. It was only a momentary flash but he saw her register his power in her eyes. He does not know what to make of this. He is going to talk to one of his friends, Willow, about it.

Willow is a tree spirit. She is Growly Bear's friend. Growly Bear often talks to Willow about his secret thoughts. He has told her all about Princess Kitty and his love for her. Willow is wise. Growly Bear is sure she will be able to help him with his puzzle.

Princess Kitty has been solving a puzzle of her own. Since being driven out of Fatty Flatfoot's empire she has found a new job where she is free. In her new job the work is very different and Princess Kitty has had to learn lots of new things. Princess Kitty likes the new job though. She likes being free and she likes the other creatures that she works with. Despite this she has always had a sense of not quite belonging - of not quite being sure if she is in the right job.

During the last week, the other creatures Princess Kitty works with have said some very kind things. They have told Princess Kitty that they like the way she does her job. They have told her that they like her being their leader. Princess Kitty has been surprised and pleased by their kindness. It has made her purr. It has also made her think.

Princess Kitty has started to realise that perhaps she has not settled because she is still angry at being driven out of Fatty Flatfoot's empire. Perhaps she has not settled because she loved the work she did for Fatty Flatfoot even though she hated working for her. Perhaps she has not settled because she feels she had no choices at that time.

Princess Kitty has made some decisions as a result of solving her puzzle. She realises that Fatty Flatfoot has still been holding power over her since she left. She realises that they only way to break this spell is to put her heart and soul into her new job, like she did in Fatty Flatfoot's empire. She must stop being scared of getting hurt again. She must start living her life properly - in all ways.

Princess Kitty feels relieved that she has solved her puzzle. Growly Bear is still wondering about his.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

An Element Of Surprise

Princess Kitty is planning a surprise. A surprise for Growly Bear. She is very excited. She loves surprising Growly Bear and playing tricks on him.

Princess Kitty thinks about surprises. Sometimes surprises are horrible. They are horrible when something nasty happens to you that you are not expecting. Like the time when Fatty Flatfoot told her she was no good and would never understand the point of guinea pigs. Like the time when Fatty Flatfoot and her witch doctor Suma ganged up on her and told everyone she was troublesome and the cause of lots of problems. They were bad surprises. Princess Kitty does not like bad surprises.

Sometimes surprises are good though. Like when she had her girl kitten which she thought would be a boy. Like finding out how wonderful Growly Bear is and how well he can make honey. Princess Kitty loves nice surprises like this.

Princess Kitty thinks how dull life would be without surprises. She decides that overall it is probably better to have some bad ones if it means you get good ones too.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Growly Bear is an inspiration. He is an inspiration to Princess Kitty.

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear met up today. It all started well but then they got onto a tricky subject. Very tricky indeed. One of Princess Kitty's kittens is in trouble. Princess Kitty wants to help him but he is very cross with Princess Kitty. He does not approve of her love for Growly Bear. He does not understand it.

Growly Bear helped Princess Kitty to talk about her feelings. It was very difficult. Princess Kitty got upset. Growly Bear loved her. Princess Kitty got frustrated. Growly Bear loved her. Princess Kitty felt sorry for herself. Growly Bear loved her. Princess Kitty felt ashamed of herself. And still Growly Bear loved her.

Growly Bear is magic. He has magic powers but doesn't really realise. Princess Kitty knows though. His magic has helped her to understand the point of guinea pigs. For tonight at least.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Busy Bees

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear have both had busy days.

Princess Kitty has been setting a trail. She set the trail for some of her friends to run around. It was hard work The trail was about 4 miles long. She had to go around it once to lay it then later run with her friends to make sure they did not get lost. Now it is bedtime and she is feeling tired.

Growly Bear has been fixing things. He has been fixing a car and a lawn mower. Growly Bear is very good at fixing things. This evening he has been cooking. Growly Bear likes cooking. He is tired now too.

Although Growly Bear and Princess Kitty have been busy they have been thinking about each other. They think about how nice it would be to be snuggled up together. They think that life should not always be about working. They think about guinea pigs and how they work to get food and run around but also spend time resting and playing.

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty are looking forward to the next time they can rest and play together.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

Princess Kitty has been out walking this afternoon. It has been a beautiful day. Sunny and crisp. The sort of day that makes you glad to be alive. The sort of day where it is lovely to be alone for a while and enjoy the silence and beauty of nature. The sort of day guinea pigs would like to be roaming about in.

Growly Bear stayed at The Cardigan last night. They had both been very tired after their night out. Somehow though they managed to make some delicious honey before the slept in each other's arms. Then they made some more this morning.

Princess Kitty loves sleeping with Growly Bear. She has never slept with anyone so lovely. She loves being next to his furry little body. She loves hearing his breathing change as he falls asleep.

Growly Bear makes funny little growling noises when he is asleep. He does not snore like some other bears. His noises are soft and gentle - like him. Princess Kitty likes watching Growly Bear when he is asleep. She thinks he has a beautiful face. Princess Kitty loves Growly Bear with all her heart.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Bear Faced

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty have pulled it off. They have spent an evening together in Fatty Flatfoot's territory without being detected. It is possible that she will get to hear about their presence at some point but by then it will be too late for her to do anything.

There were lots of individuals there that knew Growly Bear and Princess Kitty. Only two of them know of their love though. They are special friends and will not tell Fatty Flatfoot or her spies.

Growly Bear sang and played his guitar. Princess Kitty listened and sang with the others. She enjoyed watching Growly Bear perform. She felt very proud of him. She saw how others looked at him with admiration and fondness. It reminded her how lucky she is and how special Growly Bear is. It reminded her that guinea pigs enjoy company just like her and Growly Bear.

It is nice to spend time having fun with friends. Playing a trick on Fatty Flatfoot makes it even better.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cunning Plans

Growly Bear has plans. He is going to see Princess Kitty tomorrow. They are going to go out together.

They have to be rock and roll renegades though. No-one must see their love. If Fatty Flatfoot finds out Growly Bear could be in danger. More danger than any guinea pig she has ever got her hands on. Their magic is not strong enough yet to defeat her.

When they get back to The Cardigan afterwards though it will be different. Growly Bear has some ideas for making honey. They will help to make the best honey ever. He is going to try out some of his plans.

Princess Kitty has plans too ............................

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nutty Brain

Princess Kitty has been cutting up walnuts tonight. She was making a nice salad for her tea. It was a lovely salad. Fit for any guinea pig.

Princess Kitty noticed that walnuts are an interesting shape. They look a bit like a brain. Not hers of course. She things hers is probably bigger. Not Growly Bear's either. She thinks he probably has a very big brain. He is very clever. You could not be that clever and only have a brain the size of a walnut.

She wonders what size brain a guinea pig has. She thinks it might not be much bigger than a walnut. She thinks about Fatty Flatfoot. She wonders if she puts walnuts in her salad. She wonders if you could be sure they were walnuts .... or maybe they would be something that looks like a walnut and is about the same size.

Princess Kitty ate her salad with relish.