Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Slave Labour

Something bad has happened. A bad thing has happened to Growly Bear. Poor Growly Bear.

Of course, that evil witch Fatty Flatfoot is behind it. She treats all her slaves badly sooner or later. Working in the Fatty Flatfoot empire is not easy. It is dangerous and it is hard work.

Poor Growly Bear has been told they are going to take some of his money away from him. A lot of his money in fact. Poor Growly Bear. It is so unfair. He works very hard and despite all he knows about Fatty Flatfoot he has remained a loyal and hard working slave.

Growly Bear is upset and angry. Princess Kitty feels upset and angry too. It upsets her to think of Growly Bear being hurt. It makes her angry to think of him treated unfairly. It is hard to see the point of guinea pigs at times like this.

Princess Kitty wishes there was something she could do to make Growly Bear feel better. If she was with him she would cuddle him and soothe him. It is hard to be so far away from him when he is sad.

Poor Growly Bear.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

Princess Kitty is a kind cat. She feels the pain of life only too clearly