Saturday, November 11, 2006

Safe Text

Growly Bear and Princess Kitty have been texting each other today. They text each other a lot.

Sometimes they send texts to tell each other they love each other. Like in the mornings they race to see who can be first to send a message of love.

Sometimes they send texts to tell each other what they are doing. Like when Princess Kitty goes out running or Growly Bear is cooking and fixing things.

Sometimes they send texts when they have a good idea. Like when they think they might have found the point of guinea pigs.

Sometimes they send texts to let each other know they are safe and sound. Like when they have been out on their skateboards together.

Sometimes they send texts to tell each other how much they miss one another. Like when they are apart and have an ache inside.

It is good to be able to send messages when they cannot be together. It makes them feel safe and loved.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

Words that come to mind
Trusting, constant, poignant and loving