Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Young One

Princess Kitty has been to a concert. A concert of Nick Drake songs. She had heard a few before she went but enjoyed hearing more. She likes the plaintiff sounds and the poetic lyrics. She thinks it is very very sad that he died so young, never knowing how famous he would be, not living to see himself get the acclaim he deserved. She feels sorry for the people that loved him.

She wonders how someone so young could know so much about guinea pigs. She wonders how he could have become so technically brilliant at such a tender age. Life can be very sad sometimes.

Growly Bear has talent too. He can do magic. He is starting to understand about this more and more. This week he has been encouraging the naughty bears he works with to do difficult things and to see things differently. He can get them to do things most people could not.

Princess Kitty wonders where Growly Bear's magic will take him. At least there is no chance of him dying young like Nick Drake.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

ND was an amazing talent. He did know about Guineapigs. Pink Moon says he did