Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bear Flu

Growly Bear has Bear Flu. Poor Growly Bear. Fortunately he is a brave little bear. Very brave indeed. He has been soldiering on like a little hero all day doing his chores. He has mended the tick- over and changed the oil on his skateboard. He bought food and cooked. Princess Kitty thought he should go to bed and take care of himself. She wished she could be there to nurse him better.

Princess Kitty is feeling tired herself. She has been working hard all day on a project for work. Now she is looking forward to going to bed. She starts thinking about guinea pigs and their beds. They make their own beds. She thinks it would be fun to make a bed.

Then Princess Kitty has a clever idea. She decides to make her own bed for fun. She looks around for something to make it. She spots just the right thing. Growly Bear's cardigan. Perfect.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

What a lovely little homemaker that Cat is. Can she, perchance, learn to cook properly as well ?