Friday, January 19, 2007

Lucky Futures

Princess Kitty is feeling very pleased. Very pleased indeed. Her girl kitten has been to visit. She brought Princess Kitty some more birthday presents. Princess Kitty was very touched by the thought that had gone into them.

Growly Bear is feeling pleased too. He and Princess Kitty have been arranging to spend some time together in a couple of weeks. He is starting to look forward to it already. He knows they will make lots of wonderful honey to their special recipes. He knows they will talk about lots of things such as music and funny stories and of course the point of guinea pigs. He knows Princess Kitty will enjoy lapping up the delicious porridge he will make her. He knows there will be tricks and surprises too.

Princess Kitty is looking forward to their time together again as well. She is looking forward to kissing and cuddling Growly Bear. She is looking forward to singing with him and playing guitars. She is looking forward to wondering about the point of guinea pigs together. And she hopes Growly Bear might make her some lovely porridge.

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear are very lucky to have so much to look forward to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even more presents for that Cat.....she's a lucky puss !
I like runny honey myself