Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Beehive

Princess Kitty has had another busy day. She has painted her kitchen window. She has done some gardening. And she has been getting to know her new neighbours.

Growly Bear is back at his cave. He has been mowing lawns and shopping.

Growly Bear has been missing Princess Kitty and Princess Kitty has been missing Growly Bear. Growly Bear wants to see all the things Princess Kitty has done at her new home. And he wants to meet Daisy the Cat.

Princess Kitty has been thinking about her new home. She wants a name for it. A name that only she and Growly Bear know. A name that will help explain the point of guinea pigs. A name that will make Growly Bear want to come and stay.

Then Princess Kitty had an idea. She is going to call her new home something that reminds her and Growly Bear about making their special honey. A home that will remind them of the busy things she has been doing.

Princess Kitty is going to call her new home The Beehive.


Jungle VIP said...

Its a rocking name that would suit any villa in which the animals made honey. i love it

Around My Kitchen Table said...

The Beehive. That's a name that will give their relationship a buzz.