Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mixed Up Bear

Growly Bear has been to another wedding. Or rather the party in the evening.

He went with the Bear he lives with. They saw lots of old friends and some new ones.

Everyone likes the Bear that Growly Bear lives with. She is kind and clever and funny. And when someone said something bad about Growly Bear she put a spell on them.

Princess Kitty has had a busy day too. She met her girl kitten in town for coffee. And she has been laying the floor at The Beehive. Busy little cat.

Growly Bear liked being out with the bear he lives with. He wished Princess Kitty had been with him too. That poor mixed up bear. He really can't see the point of guinea pigs at the moment.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

I disagree. I think the bear always has been able to see the point of guineapigs. Where the bear screws it up is that he cant yet fit those little cavies into his complicated and fraustrating life. He'll move on though. Bears always do