Friday, February 02, 2007

What's In A Name

Princess Kitty has been out running with her friends. It is a special sort of running in the dark with torches.

Princess Kitty and all her friends have special names when they do this sort of special running. Names like Mad Dog and Leeky Willy and Love Machine and Hyena and Hoggie. Every name has a story.

Princess Kitty likes doing this running. It is always fun. Everyone plays tricks on each other. Sometimes they even talk about guinea pigs.

Growly Bear says it sounds awful. He does not like running and he does not like these sorts of tricks.

Growly Bear has had a quiet evening. He has been thinking about Princess Kitty out running. He has been thinking about Princess Kitty playing tricks. He has been thinking about special names.

Growly Bear likes being called Growly Bear. He thinks it suits him. He thinks it describes his furriness and cuddliness and growliness in just the right way. He has not always been called Growly Bear. Only since he met Princess Kitty.

Growly Bear thinks he has things just right. He has a special name like Princess Kitty's other friends. And he has not had to run a step.


Jungle VIP said...

It's a good job that bear is not of a religious persuasion

Phoenix said...


Maybe religion come in many forms?
