Friday, February 09, 2007

Love and Loss

Today is a sad day. Today Princess Kitty and Growly Bear had to say goodbye again.

Princess Kitty says it feels as if someone is squeezing her heart. She has a hurt feeling inside her.

Growly Bear says it makes him think of all the other times in his life when he has been in love and had to say goodbye. He says that is how his life has been.

Princess Kitty and Growly Bear have each learned their own ways of caring for themselves so the hurt is not too terrible. Princess Kitty has to work hard on thinking positive thoughts and talking to herself about taking responsibility for her feelings. Growly Bear concentrates on what is in front of him and does his chores.

Princess Kitty wonders if we have guinea pigs so that we can practise loving them and losing them. So that when the time comes to lose someone we love, even if it is only for a little while, we have had some practise.

One thing Princess Kitty and Growly Bear know for sure though is that the next time they see each other they will be even more in love.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

That is the truth. Those little animals are in love more and more