Saturday, February 03, 2007

Love Conquers All

Princess Kitty has been reading a book. It is a good book. It is called "Human Traces" and is written by Sebastian Faulks.

Today she has been reading about two people who fall in love in the book. Their circumstances mean that they should not but they cannot resist the force. And they know straight away that what they have is something special. They know instantly that they will be right. Each feels the other lights up their life.

And when they make honey it is very special. Their passion is powerful and deep. They touch each other's souls.

What has moved Princess Kitty is that she understands. She understands completely. It has happened to her. She has read about love before but it didn't have proper meaning. And now it does.

Maybe love is the point of guinea pigs.


Jungle VIP said...

Princess Kitty is right to say that falling in love is very very special. GB feel's the same way probably. What do you think ?


Phoenix said...


Thanks for the comment and your continued readership. I think truly falling in love is probably the most wonderful thing that can happen in anyone's life. I am therefore sure Growly Bear feels the same way.

They certainly are lucky little creatures.
