Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rock Chickdom

Princess Kitty is feeling excited. She is going to borrow a guitar from a friend. A bass guitar. And an amplifier to go with it. Princess Kitty thinks this is the next step on her road to being a rock chick.

There are other things Princess Kitty is doing to prepare herself for rock chickdom. Most importantly she is growing her fur. She is having it trimmed and some colours put in it at the weekend. Growly Bear thinks a tortoiseshell look will suit her. Princess Kitty thinks this is a cool idea. She thinks tortoiseshell colours look great on little cats and guinea pigs.

Meanwhile Growly Bear is still having a difficult time at work. Just when he thinks life in the Fatty Flatfoot empire is as bad as it can get it gets worse. Now he has learned that he is going to have even more work to do without any extra money. And he has been having nightmares. And his bear flu has still not quite gone. And he is still poor.

Poor Growly Bear. Luckily he has that rock chick babe Princess Kitty to cheer him up.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

He is a lucky bear mostly. Being porr is horrible I should think though