Friday, January 12, 2007

Heads Or Tails

Princess Kitty has been wearing lots of heads today. When she first woke up she had a sleepy head on. She put her sensible head on to make herself some breakfast. At work she had her responsible head on. When she talked to Growly Bear she had her sympathetic head on because he was feeling bit down in the dumps. When she was doing her paperwork she had her concentrating head on. When she went out with her friend Poppy the Flower Fairy she had her girl head on. She had her funny head on when she talked with Poppy about Guinea Pigs. When she thought about making honey with Growly Bear she had her woman head on.

Growly Bear is feeling down in the dumps because of all the bad luck he has been having. He is fed up with his life of slavery in the Fatty Flatfoot empire. He is miserable about having to keep secret his love for Princess Kitty. He wants to feel Princess Kitty's warm breath on his neck and her arms about his body.

If Growly Bear had a tail it would definitely be hanging between his legs today.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

Time for that bear to simply "bounce back" I'd say