Saturday, January 20, 2007

Evenly Spaced

Princess Kitty has been thinking about space. Not the kind of space where space ships go. Not the kind of space that you can see like a parking space. Nor the kind of space that the wicked witch Fatty Flatfoot leaves after she has got rid of someone with her bad magic.

The sort of space where you can be yourself. Where you can indulge your thoughts. Where you can reflect without having to worry whether you look silly with a smile on your face or frowning. Where there are no distractions and you can notice how you are feeling and comfort yourself if you need to. Where you can wonder about the point of guinea pigs.

Princess Kitty thinks a home is somewhere that should have such a space. She also thinks home is a place where it is nice to have people around you too. Both sorts of space are equally important to be happy.

Princess Kitty wonders what Growly Bear thinks about space.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

If only GB could talk. I think he'd say space is a scarey place where heads run riot and chatter becomes deafening