Friday, March 23, 2007

Is Flat Good Or Bad?

Princess Kitty had their last day together today before Growly Bear had to go home. They spent the morning making delicious honey and talking about the point of guinea pigs. Then they went to put some new tyres and exhaust on Growly Bear's car. Then Growly Bear took Princess Kitty shopping. Shopping for shoes.

Princess Kitty likes to wear shoes that have a heel. She likes to hear them clip clopping as she walks along, Growly Bear thinks needs to get some flat shoes. He says the shoes she usually wears are wearing her paws out. He says she has cloven hooves.

Princess Kitty is not really sure about flat shoes. Some of them are quite pretty. But Princess Kitty is not sure if they will suit her. And she is not sure they will go clip clop. Growly Bear says flat shoes are the best.

Growly Bear has gone home how. He rang Princess Kitty on his little Nokia. He told her he is feeling as flat as the flattest pair of shoes. The Cardigan feels flat too now Growly Bear has gone.

Maybe flat is not always best Growly Bear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flat isn't always best. Sometimes a little heel can look good on a kitty