Tuesday, March 20, 2007

All Day And All Of The Night

Growly Bear is on a little holiday at The Cardigan. Actually not exactly a holiday because he has been to work today. Princess Kitty has been to work too. But they have managed to fit in doing lots of things they like too.

They got up early. They woke up because Princess Kitty's little alarm went off at six o'clock. It is the alarm on her little Samsung. Growly Bear does not like the sound of Princess Kitty's alarm very much. It says it is much to 'chirpy' He says mornings are for schmoozing.

After work Growly Bear cooked a special tea. He encouraged Princess Kitty to eat lots of cabbage. He said if she ate lots of avocado she would have a beautiful soft nose. He made her a beautiful Spanish Omelette. It was very pretty and very delicious.

Then they played their guitars. And they sang songs. And they ate chocolates. They did not think much about the point of guinea pigs. They just played and sang and had a lovely time.

Princess Kitty wonders how they manage to fit so much into just one day. Days with Growly Bear always seem more than twenty four hours long. She wonders how that can be. It must be some very special magic.


Jungle VIP said...

GB has excellent time management skills. In fact, he's known for it across 5 counties and 3 failed tory administrations


Phoenix said...

JVIP: More of that Growly Bear magic
