Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Very Nice Man

Princess Kitty has had an adventure. She has had to be rescued tonight. She was driving through some county lanes taking a short cut to go to a meeting. She ran out of petrol.

It was very dark but Princess Kitty was brave. First she locked all her doors. Then she rang the AA. Then she waited.

The AA man came about 40 minutes later. He had a big yellow van. The van had flashing yellow lights on the top. Princess Kitty thought this was very exciting. The AA man was really friendly. Princess Kitty thought he was a very nice man. A very very nice man. He put some petrol in her little Yaris for her. Princess Kitty said "Thank you".

Princess Kitty likes to be polite. Growly Bear says politeness is important and Princess Kitty agrees. Guinea pigs are not very polite. When you give them food they just eat it. They never squeak to say thank you.

Princess Kitty starts to think about how she will tell Growly Bear about her adventure. She wants him to be proud of her and tell her she was very brave and clever. She knows what Growly Bear will say. First of all he will be worried if Princess Kitty is OK. Then he will tell her all about consequential thinking. Princess Kitty reminds herself to be sure to nod a lot when he tells her about this. But then the worst thing of all will happen....................Growly Bear will tease her.

Princess Kitty does not mind being teased by Growly Bear. In fact she quite likes it. But Princess Kitty also likes to have the upper hand. She will have to think of a cunning plan................

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

Part of the point of GuineaPigs is being able to be teased isn't it ?