Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

Princess Kitty has been out walking this afternoon. It has been a beautiful day. Sunny and crisp. The sort of day that makes you glad to be alive. The sort of day where it is lovely to be alone for a while and enjoy the silence and beauty of nature. The sort of day guinea pigs would like to be roaming about in.

Growly Bear stayed at The Cardigan last night. They had both been very tired after their night out. Somehow though they managed to make some delicious honey before the slept in each other's arms. Then they made some more this morning.

Princess Kitty loves sleeping with Growly Bear. She has never slept with anyone so lovely. She loves being next to his furry little body. She loves hearing his breathing change as he falls asleep.

Growly Bear makes funny little growling noises when he is asleep. He does not snore like some other bears. His noises are soft and gentle - like him. Princess Kitty likes watching Growly Bear when he is asleep. She thinks he has a beautiful face. Princess Kitty loves Growly Bear with all her heart.

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

What lovely lovers these two animals are. If they keep being lovely to one another, they will defeat the evil witch for sure