Sunday, November 26, 2006

Every Little Helps

Growly Bear wanted to cook a special meal for Princess Kitty today.

First they went shopping to get the ingredients. Princess Kitty does not like shopping very much. She does not think it is very much fun. She thought about doing some tricks to make it more interesting. She thought about putting extra things in people's baskets when they were not looking. She thought about jumping on her trolly and seeing how fast it could go. She thought about singing to see if anyone else would join in. Then she thought that perhaps Growly Bear might not like that. So Princess Kitty trotted along behind Growly Bear and smiled sweetly.

Growly Bear likes shopping. He is trying to teach Princess Kitty how much fun shopping can be. He is puzzled that she does not seem to like it very much. He thinks it is odd that she does not look forward to seeing all the interesting packets and tins and taking lots of time to choose which ones to buy. He thinks it is strange that she does not get excited about sniffing the bread and squeezing the mangos. He is sure that she will never understand the point of guinea pigs if she does not understand about shopping.

When they got home, Growly Bear cooked for Princess Kitty. The meal was nice. Very nice indeed. Princess Kitty licked her lips when she had finished.

Princess Kitty thinks about shopping. She thinks about their nice meal. She wonders if Growly Bear knows something she doesn't ...........

1 comment:

Jungle VIP said...

Perhaps you're right. But then, Princess Kitty knows things. Doesn't she ?